PODCAST EP:8 “You’re a Control Freak”
I invite you to join me on a profound personal journey—one that has fundamentally transformed the way I approach life—letting go of my innate desire for control. As someone who used to insist on doing everything by myself, I have come a long way in realizing the importance of delegation and focusing on where my time is best spent.
I vividly remember the early days of my podcast when I took on every task, from recording and editing to posting on various platforms. I wanted to know how to do it all, from start to finish. However, I soon realized the tremendous time and effort required for each aspect. While I managed to learn and handle about 90% of the work, some areas, like audio editing, remained challenging. Eventually, I made the wise decision to delegate those tasks to professionals, such as hiring an editor, freeing up my time for more important aspects.
The same applies to other areas of life, such as finances. Although I have a general understanding of budgeting through a helpful app called YNAB (You Need a Budget), I recognized that investing and managing business finances required expertise beyond my skill set. Hiring a financial advisor and accountant became essential to ensure my business's financial health, freeing me to focus on what I do best.
It's crucial to strike a balance between being informed and handing off responsibilities. While you should have a basic understanding of how your money is managed and where it's going, relinquishing certain tasks to trusted professionals can prevent undue stress and potential financial mishaps. Knowledge and informed decision-making are key, but so is recognizing your limits.
Another example that highlights the importance of delegation is my new website, which just launched today. Although I possess the technical skills to build a website, I had to question whether it was the best use of my time. Instead, I chose to prioritize tasks that aligned with my strengths and business goals. So, I sought the assistance of a talented web designer, Emily, who brought my vision to life. This allowed me to focus on creating content, developing products, and engaging with my audience more effectively.
As entrepreneurs and salon owners, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to do it all—managing clients, training staff, marketing, inventory, and even personal obligations. However, the truth is, spreading ourselves thin across multiple roles results in subpar attention and exhaustion. It's crucial to assess where our time is truly best spent and delegate accordingly.
Delegation doesn't equate to laziness or failure; it's a strategic move to maximize productivity and efficiency. By delegating tasks to capable individuals or investing in specialized programs, we can leverage others' expertise to propel our businesses forward. For instance, rather than starting from scratch to create an assistant training program, consider seeking out existing programs or professionals in the field who can guide and train your staff. This not only saves time but also enhances the quality of your training, benefiting both you and your team.
Over time, I've realized that wearing multiple hats does not define our value or worth. It's essential to detach ourselves from the belief that doing everything ourselves is a mark of success. In reality, it only leads to burnout and resentment. We must shift our mindset and embrace the power of delegation as a means of empowering others and fostering growth.
As a recovering control freak, I can attest to the power of delegation. It's a lesson I've learned through personal experiences and reflections. By acknowledging our limitations, identifying tasks that can be effectively handled by others, and nurturing a supportive and collaborative environment, we unlock a world of possibilities. Delegation allows us to focus on our strengths, achieve greater efficiency, and ultimately build stronger businesses. So, take a step back, evaluate where your time is best spent, and start embracing the power of delegation. You'll be amazed at the positive impact it can have on your life and your business.
xo, Ani